Piper, lovingly referred to as Kitty, passed away in the arms of her most loved ones, in her home, under a full moon, in the early evening of February 25th, 2021. She was around 8 years of age and is survived by her owner Mike.
Petite, beautiful, sweet, and exuding personality, Kitty quickly made admirers out of new people that she met, be it veterinarians, friends and family of her owner, or neighbors. Always warm, friendly, and happy to see people, especially her loved ones, she greeted everyone with bright eyes and a marching, shaking butt held high (“shakebutt”), her preferred method of saying hello and expressing excitement to see you.
Although small of stature, she proved to be a fierce and capable feline. With twitchy tail in tow, and despite her handicap of a missing fang, she successfully hunted many bugs and one poor bluejay, almost equal her size, off of her porch, in addition to the regular massacres of her owner’s play hand and toy mice.
Her favorite pastimes included: Laying in front of the warmest heater vent (the kitty sauna); Paw bombing sleeping, unsuspecting, humans when feedings were delayed; Having her beautiful black, smokey brown and gray, long hair coat brushed; Following her mutual best friend around listening, watching, and participating in life; Searching for and eating the treats hidden throughout her cat tree; And of course snuggling, lots and lots of upside down, curled up, purring loudly, preferably in the sun, snuggling.
She ruled the two bedroom condo where she spent most of her 8 years of life, constantly patrolling and exploring every square inch.
Always busy living, always kind, and always demonstrating toughness as she fought through illness, in the end, Kitty’s kidneys, tragically, gave up on her.
She is missed beyond what words can convey and she leaves holes in the many hearts that she touched, holes that will never be filled.
I will love you always my beautiful shakebutt,
Michael V. McCarron, February 26th, 2021